William Bodin

About Me

I am a programmer who likes to understand computers and their programs. 22y. 4th year student of Computer Science at the University of Gothenburg.
 Have been programming since middle school, started with Game Maker, currently taking the CS master at GU.


2020 - 2025 (maybe?)

Bachelor and Master - Computer Science at the University of Gothenburg
 Bachelor is completed, currently taking the master.
 Broad education in the field of computer science, courses include:

2017 - 2020

High School / Gymnasiet - Teknikprogrammet - Tingsholmsgymnasiet Ulricehamn
Typical high school education, learnt a lot about material and strength theory.


Programming Languages

More experience
  • Rust
  • Java
  • C
  • C#
  • GDScript
  • Haskell
  • Nix
  • Go
Less experience
  • C++
  • GLSL
  • WGSL
  • Python
  • Erlang
  • JavaScript/TypeScript
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Bachelor's Thesis

github.com/bachelor-group-66-systemf/churf The project consisted of us (6 students) creating a compiler for a strongly-typed functional programming language compiled to LLVM. I implemented monomorphization.

NES Snake 👈️

github.com/TitaniusThorgor/NES_SNAKE My Gymnasiearbete. A reimplementation of Snake for the NES, written in 6502 assembly without any use of libraries (I did all the programming). We got the game running on a physical NES by soldering programmed EPROMs to a game cartridge.


github.com/Rakarake/engineless An ECS game engine (not complete) inspired by Bevy that uses C# runtime reflection to provide systems with components.

Bing 🗿 Bingo

github.com/Rakarake/bingbingo/ rakarake.xyz/bingbingo, Small javascript application to create, play and share a bingo board.


I know swedish and english well.

Work Experience

Summer Jobs in Finland

I've worked at a bed-and-breakfast as well as a camping since 2018. While a little different, work consists of:

TA (Teaching Assistant) at Chalmers/GU

2022 in the course Databases. Work involved helping students during supervision sessions, grading labs and helping grading exams.
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